START2ACT delivers a webinar for

START2ACT delivers a webinar for is organising a webinar on 18th July, 11:00 AM CEST to showcase a new technology for green data centres and demonstrate the power of people in decreasing ICT energy consumption in SMEs.

Daniel Frohnmaier (Project Manager at START2ACT & Geonardo Environmental Technologies), will demonstrate the role of people at SMEs and start-ups in bringing a long-lasting decrease in energy consumption of ICT and at the workplaces of businesses, while increasing the company’s competitiveness on the market.

Find out more info here.

Sfatul zilei
Cand intentionati sa cumparati echipamente noi, nu va ganditi doar la pretul de achizitie, ci si la costurile de operare. Acestea vor fi platite pentru urmatorii 10-20 de ani.

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