Greening Your Small Business - A START2ACT Webinar

This webinar, presented by experts from the Carbon Trust, will share ideas on the low-to-no cost energy saving opportunities in your premises as well as how you can reduce the impact of your products and services.

The following topics will be covered: 

  • Global challenge: the reality of climate change
  • The case for action: how energy efficiency can benefit your business 
  • Opportunities for SMEs:           
    • heating, lighting and energy management
    • engaging your supply chain
    • becoming a green supplier
    • negotiating a green lease
    • promoting your credentials 

The webinar will conclude with information on the funded support and free resources available to small businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint. 

Sfatul zilei
Utilizati o iluminare locala a zonei in care munciti. Utilizari reflectoare si lampi directionale intr-un mod inteligent si veti economisi pana la 50% din energia consumata pentru iluminat.

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