EUSEW 2018 comes to START2ACT!

EUSEW 2018 comes to START2ACT!

START2ACT is currently having its Energy Days going on throughout the entire month, in Budapest!

The core activity of the START2ACT Energy Days consists of on-site energy efficiency trainings for young SMEs. These activities are part of a series of 3 free-of-charge training units: START2ACT energy expert trainers will visit SMEs and offer tailor-made trainings.

The maximum impact can be easily reached, with our experts giving comprehensive feedback and supporting the companies with the START2ACT interactive online platform, which features a comprehensive knowledge base and e-learning sessions.

Interested in participating? Contact us!

On-site consultancy is also available in 7 other countries throughout Europe! Contact your local partners for more information.

For everything you need to know about energy efficiency at the workplace, follow us on Twitter and Facebook!


Sfatul zilei
Cand intentionati sa cumparati echipamente noi, nu va ganditi doar la pretul de achizitie, ci si la costurile de operare. Acestea vor fi platite pentru urmatorii 10-20 de ani.

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