The Survey for Young SMEs and Startups is out!


As part of START2ACT’s strategy, we are happy to announce that we just launched the Survey for Young SMEs and Startups. This survey is targetting to map the attitude and energy use behaviour of startups and young SMEs in the office environment. If you are part of a startup or an SME, join us by answering our 10 minute survey and take part in this exciting contest. Your feedback will help us in planning and tailoring START2ACT's mentoring and training activities to your needs. Our survey will be directed to 9 countries in Europe, and all the participants who complete it will have the chance to win a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, a Kindle Oasis, a pair of Jabra move wireless headphones or a Sony Smartwatch 3 SWR50.


START2ACT ‘Engaging European Start-ups and young SMEs for Action for Sustainable Energy’, is a three-year project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, which aims to increase energy efficiency at work by introducing simple yet effective energy efficiency measures into the daily routines of start-ups and young SMEs. To achieve this, we are offering free-of-charge mentoring and training activities in 9 countries of Europe: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and the United Kingdom.


To keep updated with our activities and the survey’s launch, follow our Twitter account, Facebook page and Linked In, and keep an eye on our website.

Sfatul zilei
Cand intentionati sa cumparati echipamente noi, nu va ganditi doar la pretul de achizitie, ci si la costurile de operare. Acestea vor fi platite pentru urmatorii 10-20 de ani.

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