Third Business Breakfast of ENERO in Cluj-Napoca

Third Business Breakfast of ENERO in Cluj-Napoca

On Wednesday, May 18, our Romanian partner ENERO organised in Cluj-Napoca the 3rd START2ACT Business Breakfast on energy efficiency for young SMEs. This event was organised in co-operation with, within the conference “Actions for Sustainable Energy Consumption”, part of the information campaign “Energy efficiency for big results”



53 participants took part in the Business breakfast, coming from business, university and local authorities environment, among them Mr. Victor Grigorescu former Minister of Energy.

The business breakfast START2ACT was scheduled in the second session of the big event.

Mrs Nicoleta Ion presented the project objectives and activities, with some o the most importanta examples of energy efficiency intervention and their benefits, tailored to SMEs needs.

Mr. Marius Lazar presented some aspects related to financing SMEs projects, including  energy efficiency projects.

Download the presentation of this event: START2ACT Presentation 18.05.2017 (RO)

The START2ACT Business Breakfast as well as the host event are summarised in the following article:


Would you like to receive an additional free training on energy efficiency for your business? Join us to register for one of our young SME training or startup mentoring events in the START2ACT partner countries.


Sfatul zilei
Un sistem de incalzire-racire bine echilibrat poate aduce economii de energie de pana la 35%.

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